Saturday, August 18, 2007


On his blog, Will Richardson discussed an article from the Wall Street Journal, "Forget the Articles, Best Wikipedia Read Is Its Discussions," by Lee Gomes. I've got to be honest, I had no idea that these discussions existed. My colleagues and I often debate whether wikipedia is a valid site for student research because, "anyone can post." But reading some of these discussions opened my eyes to the level of passion most of the people who post have about the topic they are writing. So now the question of objectivity comes to mind... but it was an interesting article nonetheless!

1 comment:

jobee13 said...

I too am interested in the wiki potnetial but still have concerns as mentioned in my post to your other article. How do you police? I had read an article that outlined how different agencies and corporations are using wikis in day to day operations as well as policy amking. If this is the trend, I fell that we must prepare the students to be literate in this area...but again how do we do so in the middle school arena?