Saturday, August 18, 2007

"What's It?" and "How To"

I have to be honest, when I first started reading Will Richardson's blog, I was thinking to myself, "So what's the big deal with this guy?" But now that I have read more of his blog, and this article, "Blogging and RSS - The "What's It?" and "How To" of Powerful New Web Tools for Educators" I'm starting to understand. He really has a great insight on the world of technology in education. In this article. he mentions an online discussion that his class was able to take part in with Sue Monk Kidd, author of The Secret Life of Bees. Granted this was a few years ago, and her book may not yet have sold as many copies as it has to date, but still...! The idea of students having the opportunity to ask questions and really dig in to a book by discussing it with the author is fantastic! As soon as I finish this post I am going to begin my campaign to get Carl Hiaassen to do the same with my classes.

My understanding of the value in blogging and RSS is clearer after reading this article. I think it can be an invaluable tool. The only negative that I see. is the time that can be spent reading these blogs is intimidating. I find that I start reading one, and wander off to a link within it, and then wandering to a link within that, and by the time I get through - I have no idea where I started! In time, like everything else, I'm sure I'll learn to manage my time better within the world of blogs. For now, I'm much like a kid in a candy store!


jobee13 said...

I do have to wonder though, where do these teachers teach? At my school, we have good kids but I worry about having to police the comments, etc. DOes this work in middle school and how do you manage the blogs? I agree that the applications are endless but the details are what block me at times from using them.

Will Richardson said...

Hi Caroline,

Thanks for reading my article, and I'm glad you enjoyed it. You're right that there is a lot of time that is required here, but once it becomes a part of your practice, you find ways to manage it. At least that's been my experience and others I know. And Jobee, I think that you'll be able to answer those questions for yourself if you're willing to blog for awhile. Best of luck to both of you.

