Saturday, October 13, 2007

Assignment 1.2 - Thoughts on Technology Integration

September 14, 2007

I believe that it is our responsibility as educators in this day and age to incorporate technology as often as possible in our students’ learning. To say that it should be included in “every curriculum unit” may be a stretch, because units vary so greatly in scope. I do not think technology should be forced. If it is technology for the sake of technology, I think that can even take away from the strength of some units. My goal in the future will be to design/revise my units in such a way that technology is a natural fit.
I would like to think that the United States is ahead of the curve, but I have a feeling that we are probably not. I don’t have any idea about technology in education in Europe and India.
The only thing I would change about technology integration at my school would be the training of the staff. We have just been awarded the 21st Century School grant. This will supply every classroom with a Smart Board, ceiling mounted LCD projector, automated student response system, and more. We are truly lucky to receive such fantastic equipment, but I worry that without the proper training, much of the equipment will sit unused – not in my room though. Bring it on!

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